For His Glory: A Kaleidoscope of Wisdom is a collection of meaningful and powerful reflections from real life experiences coupled with practical biblical wisdom. Going beyond the normal inspirational book, For His Glory unveils a kaleidoscope of commonsense precepts that challenges the reader to discover the wonders of living for God's glory. Eye-opening, life changing and easy to understand, For His Glory will enrich your life. See what others are saying and take a peek inside by Clicking Here! Also available on Kindle by CLICKING HERE!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Today's Quotes: Our Weakness VS His Strength

"Absalom, who was a fool, wished himself a judge; Solomon, who was a wise man, trembles at the undertaking, and suspects his own fitness for it. The more knowing and considerate men are, the better they are acquainted with their own weakness, and the more jealous of themselves." -Matthew Henry

"No one enjoys feeling weak, whether it is emotionally, spiritually or physically. There is something within the human spirit that wants to resist the thought of weakness. Many times this is nothing more than our human pride at work. Just as weakness carries a great potential for strength, pride carries an equally great potential for defeat." -Charles Stanley

"Deny your weakness, and you will never realize God's strength in you." - Joni Eareckson Tada

Let this book uplift you and inspire you. Available as a Kindle eBook at 1/2 the hard copy price, For His Glory: A Kaleidoscope of Wisdom will enrich your outlook on life. 

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