This week (Oct. 8th -14th) is National Fire Prevention Week, so we set out to track down some well known and some not so well known fire prevention slogans.
We owe WWII and the shelling of California's west coast near the Los Padres National Forest for encouraging the Forest Service to develop an ad campaign to prevent forest fires. On August 9, 1944, the creation of our most famous fire prevention character, Smokey Bear, was born.
Below are a few of the slogans and signs. Following them are links to Halloween Fire Safety Tips and Camp Fire Safety Tips.
First slogan |
“Smokey says—care will prevent 9 out of 10 forest fires.”
"Smokey says - Burned timber builds no homes
Remember only you can PREVENT FOREST FIRES!
Smokey's Rules
with matches
with smokes
with any fire
Always hold matches 'til cold
Be sure to drown all fires
Crush all smokes dead out
follow Smokey's ABC's...
Download these helpful fire tips:
(pdf files)
(pdf files)